Eternal Summer of the Black Feminist Mind

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Accountable to You: A Cosmic Commitment Poem

Yesterday was the first day of this month’s online intensive Becoming Turquoise: On Intergenerational Accountability.  We created an altar that transcends space and time, we reclaimed and renamed who we are and what and who has shaped/is shaping us.  We wrote, we laughed, we remembered.  We taught each other about our ancestors given and chosen.  We playfully called to the future.  We drew on the wisdom of generations of texts by women of color . We theorized the embodied and non-binary work of the word “her.”  We activated the oracle.  We looked in the mirror.   We learned new words and honored the power and pull of what we don’t know.   And together, we wrote this expansive poem about our accountability to give an account to you.   Enjoy.  Again it is best read aloud and even more divinely read together.

P.S. Don’t forget to send your questions and or sign up for tomorrow’s Q&A for Current and Future Grad Students!  You can get your questions answered even if you can’t log on tomorrow night.  Sign up here:


accountable to you


by the participants in Becoming Turquoise: Intergenerational Accountability


accountable to the oceans

accountable to the sea snails

accountable to horses

accountable to trees


accountable to night

accountable to moonlight

accountable to breathing

accountable to being


accountable to the moment

accountable to this moment

accountable to the bigger mysteries you will never fully understand

accountable to little mysteries

accountable to the land


accountable to Elders

accountable to truth-telling

accountable to the little people

accountable to ancient transformers


accountable to those who died in revolutionary struggle

accountable to the smiles of all the children

accountable to petals

accountable to rain


accountable to heartbeat

accountable to the places where turquoise happens

accountable to stewards of the land

accountable to the beauty and silence and wisdom of caves


accountable to dolphins

accountable to whales

accountable to coral

accountable to birds


accountable to chasms

accountable to wind

accountable to salt

and all other crystals


accountable to the not-yet-born who are waiting

accountable to dreams

accountable to you